VAIA main feature:
Scalable. VAIA easily scales horizontally by simple replicating the service on more machines, enabling your platform to handle massive load while keeping latency low.
Modular. VAIA can be extended by adding new microservices plugins, which are easily configured through RESTful admin API.
Runs anywhere. VAIA can be deployed anywhere. You can deploy VAIA in any cloud, or on-premise environments.
What is VAIA?
VAIA is a groundbreaking tool crafted to simplify, automate, and enhance API management within data platforms or Hadoop clusters. With a multitude of APIs, ports, and endpoints, managing data flows can be complex. VAIA is designed to transform the way businesses handle data by providing a scalable, home-made solution that brings simplicity and efficiency to API management.
With a lot of APIs, ports, and end-point application to monitor, getting the data in and out of your data platform and/or Hadoop clusters can be a management headache. VAIA, our home-made tools, is here to simplify, automate, and making the management process of your APIs easier. VAIA is a scalable, API Layer (also known as an API Gateway) that is built on top of an open source software. VAIA runs in front of any RESTful API and is extended through Microservices Plugins, which provide extra functionality and services.
Real Business Impact / Use Cases
VAIA delivers significant impact across various business scenarios:
- Top Stated-Owned Bank in Indonesia: Machine learning service. We develop several advanced analytics use case leveraging Machine Learning framework for customer centric business cases. Once the model was put into Production, APIs are needed for front-liner application to retrieve the scoring result. The project is conducted on Cloudera Hadoop Big Data environment (leveraging Hbase-a key-value, NoSql database- as the big table for result storing.
- Top Stated-Owned Bank in Indonesia: Mobile Apps to Core Banking. As the client develop a digital banking experience with mobile application, a robust middleware as a messaging system, web services, and API needs to be developed to communicate to client’s core banking system.
- Top Multi-Finance Company in Indonesia: Machine Learning Service. We develop a Machine Learning credit scoring system to enhance their credit scoring operation. Once the model was put into Production, APIs are needed for front-liner application to retrieve the scoring result. The project is conducted on MapR Hadoop Big Data environment.
- Financial Service Institution Governing Body: Internal Middleware. We develop a Middleware Messaging system to establish smooth data exchange among the client’s complex data and technology estate. The system also connect and serve Big Data ecosystem (with Cloudera Hadoop) and Core Application.
- Large Conglomeration Company: Internal Data Warehousing. We develop a APIs and Web Services system to establish smooth data exchange among the client’s complex data and technology estate, mostly to serve the subsidiaries entities to get the information from a centralized (on Holding Premise) Data Warehouse. The system also connect and serve Big Data ecosystem (with Cloudera Hadoop) and Core Application.
Technology Behind VAIA
Machine Learning Serives
- The data is stored on data lake model on HDFS (on Hadoop)
- The data prep and mart will be built on Cloudera (e.g. Hive and/or impala)
- The analytics process is modeled using Rapidminer and run on Spark on Hadoop
- The analytics result is stored in Hbase that later is used as API target.
- The user and/or other application can request the result data through APIs that is managed by VAIA
VAIA User Interface