
July 11, 2024

Jasa Migrasi Cloud : Apa itu dan Bagaimana caranya

Jasa Migrasi Cloud: Apa itu dan Bagaimana caranya

Memahami Migrasi Cloud

Migrasi cloud berkaitan dengan migrasi digital asset seperti data apliksi dan resource IT lainnya dari on-premises (internal server perusahaan) menuju ke cloud, ataupun dari cloud satu ke cloud lainnya.

migrasi ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan skalabilitas, fleksibilitas, mengurangi cost, migrasi bisa dilakukan di berbagai cloud provider seperti AWS (Amazon web Service), Microsof Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, ALibabab Cloud, Dan lain sebagainya

Why Migrate to the Cloud?

  1. Skalabilitas : penggunaan size compute dan storage bisa naik turun sesuai kebutuhan
  2. cost saving : menghemat biaya, karena management tidak perlu memikirkan mengenai tempat, hardware, listrik, staff dan infrastructure data center yang memakan biaya yang cukup tinggi
  3. Mendukung inovasi : banyak provider cloud yang mendukung anda untuk berinovasi dengan menyediakan berbagai macam teknologi dan tools yang sangat membantu anda untuk mengolah data dan aplikasi anda
  4. Better use of IT Personnel : tim IT anda tidak perlu memanage hal-hal yang biasanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang tidak menggunakan cloud, sehingga produktifitas mereka lebih meningkat.
  5. High Availability : tingkat SLA provider cloud sangat tinggi, karena data center mereka ada dibanyak tempat dan setiap data center di back up oleh data center lain selain itu jaringan internet mereka berlapis-lapis jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir tidak bisa mengakses data anda, sedangkan data center sendiri terkadang banyak keterbatasan, misalkan ada mati lampu, atau koneksi sumber internet data center bermasalah, maka data center bisa tidak dapat di akses.
  6. Security : Provider data center selalu memiliki hardware dan software yang selalu up to date dan dijaga oleh expert security yang mengerti mengenai cara me manage data center dengan aman. tidak seperti data center yang dibuat sendiri, terkadang banyak lubang sercurity yang tidak di tutup dan software maupun hardware yang tidak up-to-date, jadi lebih beresiko dibandingkan dengan data center di cloud.

How to Migrate to the Cloud

Step 1: Planning

Begin with a thorough assessment to develop a complete roadmap and cost-effective strategy.

  • Infrastructure Assessment: Evaluate existing IT infrastructure.
  • TCO Analysis and Evaluation: Assess total cost of ownership.
  • Cybersecurity Assessment: Identify and mitigate potential security risks.
  • Cloud Adoption Roadmap and Strategies: Define clear migration objectives and timelines.

Step 2: Get Ready

Prepare for the migration with sufficient product and technical knowledge.

  • Solution Design: Create a comprehensive design for cloud solutions.
  • Pilot/Proof of Concept (PoC): Test small-scale implementations.
  • Technical Proposal: Develop detailed technical plans.
  • Build Intent Workshop: Conduct workshops to align stakeholders.

Step 3: Develop & Migration

Implement best practices for cloud deployment and migration.

  • Cloud Deployment: Set up the cloud environment.
  • Cloud Migration: Execute the migration process.
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery to Cloud: Ensure data protection and recovery plans.
  • Data Engineering & Analytics: Optimize data management and analytics.
  • Hybrid/Full Cloud Mail Implementation: Integrate email services.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate business processes.

Step 4: Operation

Enhance operational excellence with ongoing support.

  • Periodic Cloud Preventive and Monitoring: Regularly monitor cloud environments.
  • IT Admin-as-a-Service for Office 365: Provide managed IT services.
  • Corrective & Changes Request for Cloud Existing: Address issues and implement changes.
  • Monitoring Cloud Security Posture: Ensure robust security measures.

Cloud Optimization

Design a secure, efficient cloud architecture.

  • Azure Well-Architected Framework: Follow best practices for Azure.
  • Cloud Cost Optimization: Manage and reduce cloud expenses.
  • Integrated Security Insights: Implement comprehensive security measures.

Migration Between Cloud Providers

Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP, and Alibaba Cloud

Migrating between major cloud providers requires careful planning and execution to avoid disruptions. Key considerations include:

  1. Compatibility: Ensure applications and data are compatible with the new cloud environment.
  2. Data Transfer: Use secure methods to transfer large volumes of data.
  3. Cost Management: Monitor costs to avoid unexpected expenses.
  4. Security: Maintain security standards throughout the migration process.

On-Premises to Cloud

Moving from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud involves several key steps:

  1. Assessment: Evaluate current IT resources and determine cloud readiness.
  2. Planning: Develop a detailed migration plan.
  3. Execution: Transfer data and applications to the cloud.
  4. Optimization: Continuously optimize the cloud environment for performance and cost efficiency.

Layanan Xquisite Cloud Migration

Sebagai penyedia layanan cloud computing internasional, Xquisite Cloud Solution memiliki sejumlah ahli yang kompeten dan siap membantu Anda beralih dari infrastruktur IT model lama, berbekal pengalaman kami membantu klien.

Layanan Migrasi Database

  • Install & Migration Database: Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB.
  • Administrasi Database: Backup, Restore, Monitoring Database (CPU, Memory, etc.).
  • Replikasi Database MySQL/MariaDB: MySQL/MariaDB Galera Replication, MySQL Semi Sync Replication.
  • Tuning Database: Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB, SQL Tuning.

Jasa Migrasi Server Website

  • Migrasi Data Website ke Server/Hosting Baru.
  • Migrasi Database ke Server/Hosting Baru.
  • Transfer Domain.
  • Setup VPS/Dedicated Server: Web Server, Database Server, DNS Server, Mail Server.
  • Memperbaiki Error di VPS/Dedicated Server: Operasional Website.
  • Memperbaiki Error di Website setelah Migrasi ke Server/Hosting Baru.

Layanan Migrasi Email Server

  • Migrasi Email antar Server.
  • Migrasi Email ke Cloud Server.

Jasa Migrasi Server Aplikasi

  • Windows Server Migration.
  • Migrasi Data Office: File dan Dokumen Perusahaan ke Cloud, data karyawan ke Cloud, Custom Migration.

Jasa Migrasi Cloud Platforms

  • Amazon Web Service (AWS).
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Microsoft Azure.

Cloud Operation

  • Managed Cloud Services: Environment management, backup, recovery, load balancing, security, computing, with 24/7 monitoring and support.

Cloud Optimization

  • Cost Management: Monitor usage, recommend appropriate sizing, analyze resource utilization, and performance.


  • MDR, Threat Hunting, Incident Response: Comprehensive security services, endpoint protection, and integrated cybersecurity tools.

Scale Without Limits, Start Your Cloud Journey Now to Power Your Business Growth

Steps to Begin

  1. Planning: Conduct assessments and develop strategies.
  2. Get Ready: Gain necessary knowledge and prepare solutions.
  3. Develop & Migration: Implement and migrate.
  4. Operation: Maintain and optimize cloud environments.

Elevate your business with end-to-end cloud solutions, including infrastructure migration, database migration, business continuity, high-performance computing, and serverless computing.