
June 24, 2024

Databricks Jakarta Indonesia


Apa itu databricks?

databricks adalah suatu sistem yang terintegrasi untuk platform data analysis yang dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan data engineering, data science dan machine learning.

dibuat oleh para founder apache spark. databricks sangat terintegrasi dengan apache spark dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan prosesing untuk cloud-based big data analytics


berikut ini adalah feature utama dari databricks :

  1. Unified Analytics Platform: satu platform data analytics
    • Collaborative Environment: Databricks provides a collaborative workspace where data engineers, data scientists, and business analysts can work together. This environment includes interactive notebooks and dashboards.
    • Integrations: It integrates with various data sources and tools, including Apache Kafka, Delta Lake, MLflow, and popular cloud storage services like AWS S3, Azure Data Lake, and Google Cloud Storage.
  2. Apache Spark Integration:integrasi dengan apache spark
    • High Performance: Databricks optimizes Apache Spark for high performance, making it easier to scale big data applications.
    • Ease of Use: Provides simplified APIs and user interfaces to make it easier to use Apache Spark without deep technical expertise.
  3. Machine Learning:mesin learning
    • End-to-End ML Lifecycle: Databricks supports the entire machine learning lifecycle from data preparation and feature engineering to model training, evaluation, and deployment.
    • MLflow Integration: MLflow, an open-source platform for managing the ML lifecycle, is integrated with Databricks to streamline machine learning workflows.
  4. Delta Lake: Delta Lake
    • ACID Transactions: Delta Lake, an open-source storage layer, provides ACID transactions on Spark, ensuring data reliability and consistency.
    • Scalability and Performance: Delta Lake optimizes data storage and query performance, making it suitable for large-scale data lakes.
  5. Data Engineering:
    • ETL Pipelines: Databricks offers tools for building, scheduling, and managing extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines.
    • Batch and Stream Processing: It supports both batch and real-time stream processing, allowing for versatile data workflows.
  6. Security and Compliance:
    • Data Governance: Databricks provides features for data governance, including access controls, auditing, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
    • Secure Environment: Ensures data security with encryption, network security, and identity management.
  7. Scalability and Flexibility:
    • Elastic Scaling: Databricks can automatically scale computing resources up or down based on workload requirements.
    • Multi-Cloud Support: Available on major cloud platforms including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Databricks is widely used in various industries for big data analytics, machine learning, and data engineering, enabling organizations to derive insights and value from their data at scale.

Perusahaan kami memiliki banyak engineer yang sangat ahli di bidang ini, dan telah berkali-kali melakukan implementasi Databricks

apabila perusahaan anda memerlukan engineer yang ahli databricks, maka anda bisa menghubungi kami sebagai konsultan databricks.

kami merupakan vendor microsoft resmi di indonesia, khususnya untuk wilayah jakarta. dan kami memiliki skill untuk implementasi microsoft azure dengan databricks.