
April 2, 2024

Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company

a fast moving goods company in Indonesia called PT PALM is facing problem in their distributions of cooking oil in jakarta.

Brief: Efficiency is the cornerstone of success in sales distribution, where every moment counts. Our Route Optimization solution has been tailored to amplify the productivity of your sales team by a remarkable 28%. By providing intelligent and optimized routes for customer visits, considering factors such as distance, time, and fuel efficiency, this solution revolutionizes traditional route planning methods, offering unprecedented levels of efficiency and cost savings.


Use Case: Consider a company distributing cooking oil to retailers across a region. Before adopting Route Optimization, their sales team followed static routes, leading to inefficiencies and wasted resources. With the integration of our solution, they gained access to dynamically optimized routes, resulting in a staggering 28% increase in efficiency.

Sales representatives utilized the solution’s features to navigate through optimized routes, which took into account various factors like traffic patterns and customer preferences. The real-time adaptability of the solution allowed them to make on-the-fly adjustments, ensuring seamless navigation and minimizing delays.

As a result of this enhanced efficiency, the sales team could visit more customers within the same timeframe, leading to increased sales opportunities and revenue generation. Previously, each salesperson could visit up to 40 stores per week. However, after route optimization, this number surged to an impressive 52 stores per week, showcasing the significant impact of the solution on productivity and workload distribution.


Results: The implementation of Route Optimization yielded transformative results for the company’s sales distribution operations. The 28% increase in efficiency propelled sales representatives to new heights of productivity, allowing them to accomplish more in less time.

With optimized routes and real-time adaptability, the sales team experienced fewer delays and interruptions, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention. By visiting more customers within the same timeframe, they were able to capitalize on additional sales opportunities, driving revenue growth for the company.

Moreover, the significant reduction in fuel consumption and travel time resulted in substantial cost savings, further enhancing the company’s bottom line. By embracing a data-driven approach to route planning, the company could continuously refine and optimize its sales strategies, ensuring sustained efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

In summary, the adoption of Route Optimization not only revolutionized the company’s sales distribution processes but also delivered tangible benefits in terms of productivity, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. With a 28% increase in efficiency and the ability to visit 52 stores per week, the company solidified its position as a leader in the industry, setting new standards for sales excellence. stores are satisfied and sales also increased